Thursday, 19 February 2015


I recently moved out of my parents family home and began my own adventure, which meant i got to move in with my beautifully, incredibly, funny and inspiring cousin Jade.
I am learning new things every day, how much she irritates me, how much i love her, how to be more independent.

I often have moments where i have an idea spring to mind and usually if i have my camera to hand i will try it.
Well this particular day was no exception, me and jade had been dancing around the kitchen in our pants drinking vino and it started off with grabbing the tin foil, It caught the light on Jades face and lit up her eyes. In that moment i wish i could have photographed her. I was a moment of what i would call sass!
 Wine in hand, music blaring i thought yeah lets do it lets shoot!
I used the tin foil to hang from my back drop stand, i used one soft box to light her, i did her make up followed my her hair and off we shot.

Just a quick off the whim test shoot Enjoy.